Wednesday, November 12, 2014

The taco infographic

Line of thought:

  • Sweden loves tacos.
  • Sweden is full of hipsters.
  • Hipsters can't eat simple Average Joe tacos like everyone else.
  • What would a hipster taco look like?
  • Can I illustrate this somehow to incorporate it in my little project? (Project Background)

So, I sat down and thought it through.What I came up with was this:

  • No characters.
  • Infographic.
  • Draw a taco, keep it simple.
  • Write a list of "ingredients" included in the taco.

Here follows a step-by-step type thingy about how I created the taco-image.

1) Roughly draw the geometrical helpers and outline the shell.
This is done using Gimp and the Wacom tablet. Keep it messy!
 2) Continue defining the general look of the taco. Here I've also outlined the other elements of the "infographic". As you can see, I have no control over the pen. Messy sketching and extensive erasing are my best friends.

 3) Now I have a general idea of how I'd like the thing to look. Time to start drawing some more distinct lines and cleaning up the sketch.
 4) So, now I have a good enough sketch. At least I believe I have. For this occasion. I now export the image to a bitmap and import it into Inkscape. Then I start to draw paths along my lines. One by one.
 5) Continue drawing paths until your'e done.
 6) When done, just add color. I'm after a flat and simple look so I'm just going to add some basic fill colors to each element. I also make all lines black and double the thickness of the stroke on the shell to make that pop.If I wanted some shadows and structures I'd probably take this into Gimp and go nuts but I leave this as it is. I'm happy with it now.

7) The last step is to export this as a bitmap and head into your favorite DTP-application and add text and other graphical elements. The result of my work can be seen below, in Swedish.

10-4 //Niklas

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