Saturday, January 3, 2015

Gimp Instagram Template

I'd like to create a new, reusable, template in Gimp so that I easily can create new illustrations and images specifically for Instagram. To accomplish this I open Gimp and go to the Windows menu > Dockable Dialogs and select Templates.  
Dockable Dialogs menu
This opens up the dialog below, click the "Create a new template"-button (circled in blue).
Templates dialog.
In the New Template dialog, I name the template "Double Instagram" since I like to try to paint in double size and the scale it down on bitmap export. (For some reason I believe this is going to ease up on most of my inking problems.) I set the size on double the Inkscape image size (currently 640 * 640 pixels). 
Create a New Template dialog.
After clicking OK, you'll find the new template among all the other ones in the Create a New Image dialog.

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