Saturday, October 31, 2015

Halloween Bunny

I'm officially hating on Halloween but I still had to take my chance to do some drawing...

The Halloween Bunny

Making of...
10-4 //Niklas

Monday, October 12, 2015

Fadescape Doodle + Process

Draw-as-you-go type of doodle. Decided on color values and a theme and just ran with it. Came out nice. I couldn't resist placing a Wacom-stylus in there.
The Fadescape doodle. Click to enlarge.
[Update- 2015-10-14]
I recorded my screen while painting above picture. Now I've compiled the raw material into a YouTube clip. You can see that here below.

10-4 //Niklas

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Self Portrait

After using the same cartoony profile picture on social media now for ages I decided a new one was needed. I actually "cheated" here and used a photo for template when sketching down the ink. Then I went freestyle on color and shades. I think it has a cool end-of-last-millennium-adventure-game air to it.

Niklas Häggström - Self Portrait
Self portrait.
10-4 //Niklas

Saturday, October 3, 2015

Inktober #3 - Goblin

My entry for Inktober the third, a Goblin. Quick and dirty but sort of nice anyway.

Inktober #3 - Goblin

10-4 //Niklas

Inktober #2 - Devil

A bit late but here's number two for Inktober a.k.a. Drawlloween. Todays subject: "Devil". A bit late and a lot of a mess. Probably shouldn't share this because of the quality, but hey. It's something at least.

Inktober #2 - Devil

10-4 //Niklas

Thursday, October 1, 2015

Inktober #1 - Ghost

My contribution to the Inktober event, aka Drawlloween. #1 - A ghost. Not much to say here...

Inktober #1 - Ghost

10-4 //Niklas