Wednesday, August 12, 2015

New project: House Cluster

Hi there! I've been of the grid for a while, sadly. But, there is a good reason for that, I've given myself an assignment. I want to practice some perspective drawing and to accomplish this I've decided to draw a "vertical village" type thing. Sort of a cluster of buildings glued on to a big block of some sort. This will give me a bunch of perspective obstacles and, also, some exercise for my imagination since I want all buildings to be different from each other. I started off drawing a three point perspective version but I soon realized that if I wanted to actually finish this project I needed to simplify it a bit. (Actually I ran into problems I didn't find an answer to.)

So next I started over but this time using only a two point perspective, hopefully this won't remove all of the feeling of grandeur that would be nice to end up with. I also realized something else, namely, using a kind of simplistic style (that was my idea all along) this might actually be kind of cool looking and I might want to print the result and frame it in a rather exaggerated size. How do I accomplish this with such a drawing? Vectors! So I'll try to do a fairly exact lineart drawing in Krita and then, in one way or another i transfer that to Inkscape to create vectors and color it there (I will probably have to retrace all the lineart in Inkscape, but, that's a later problem). It would be nice to be able to do it all in Inkscape but the perspective-helpers that kicks arse in Krita is nowhere to be found in Inkscape.

So far this is what I've managed to accomplish:
House Cluster, work in progress.
I'll try to do some guides (pun alert!) on perspective drawing in Krita in the near future, like setting up the helper guides and such.

'Til then!
10-4, over'n'out! //Niklas