Monday, March 30, 2015


Today I painted this invertebrate piece of unconceivable delight. I'm really happy with this painting. Don't know if it's a lady, alien or octopus. I really tried to go "inkless" here, just using shading to express details. I had to add some lines though but all in all I think I did pretty good. 

All done on my Wacom Cintiq Companion 2 using the Krita software. 

Octopussy, alien octopus lady
Octopussy, alien octopus lady.

10-4 //Niklas

Saturday, March 21, 2015

Colorful Robot Head-type thing

I have been working on this drawing for some hours and finally, now I believe I'm sufficiently happy with it. At last I've found the right tools in Krita to do shading with.

10-4 //Niklas

Saturday, March 14, 2015

Daughters orders: Paint a castle!

Yesterday evening, my lovely 5½ year old daughter ask me to paint her a picture. When I asked her what she wanted me to paint, she had to think for a while and the she told me to paint a castle. So I started to paint using krita on my Cintiq Companion. She sat there next to me and told me what colors to use (or rather I had to check with her to approve my decisions). All in all we had ourselves a super cozy evening and she was more than happy with the result, especially the moat and the curtains which she was really decisive about. She's awesome!

10-4 //Niklas

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Challenge #014: Different types of trees

Ok, so I had to skip one challenge, to design a typeface seems like too big of a chunk to swallow. I'll get back to that one later, promise. Jumping ahead to the next one, number 14, the task at hand is to draw different types of trees. I made them "cartoony" because I like to do some Cintiq Companion practice and doing good realistic drawings on this tablet is something I don't really know how to do just yet.

10-4 //Niklas

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Doodle-of-the-day: Shady face

Simple "ink-only" doodle I did today. Simple in style but actually quite hard in execution. 

Shady face.
10-4 //Niklas

Inflight sketches

Had to go for a short trip this weekend up to the northern parts of Sweden so I got a chance to do some high altitude training on the Wacom Cintiq Companion 2. The first one I did on the one hour flight up there and the second I did on my way home. They're both messy and really sketchy, but considering on the short time and the rather wobbly character of the small plane I'm still kind of happy with them.
Sketching in progress.

Sketch done on my way up north.

Wobbly airplane.

Sketch made on my way home.
10-4 //Niklas

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

My precious...

Yesterday evening I finally received the Wacom Cintiq Companion 2 (Professional) I ordered a while ago. Oh joy! Can't wait to start getting to know this piece of goodness.

10-4 //Niklas

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Me at the Dental Hygienist office

Had an appointment with the Dental Hygienist this Thursday. Regular checkup type thing. Obviously I hadn't flossed as much as i should. Like paying big bucks to fight a rhino.

dental hygienist cartoon
Me at the Dental Hygienist office...
Did this drawing using Krita and my Wacom Intuos Pro.

10-4 //Niklas