Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Lumbergh - Christmas Gadgets

For no apparent reason what so ever:

Bill Lumbergh - Christmas Gatgets


Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Happy birthday, RookieToon!!!

Yay! This project celebrates its first birthday today! I’ve managed to keep it alive and well. Lately I haven’t published the amount of tutorials and info as I’d wish but instead focused more on just drawing. But hey, it’s still in the boundaries of the project.

Here’s my the first post of my blog, dated to a year ago:

A Rookie's Guide to Tooning: First post, project background

So far I believe I’ve managed to become a bit better at drawing, please see my Portfolio for the progress.

10-4 //Niklas

Saturday, October 31, 2015

Halloween Bunny

I'm officially hating on Halloween but I still had to take my chance to do some drawing...

The Halloween Bunny

Making of...
10-4 //Niklas

Monday, October 12, 2015

Fadescape Doodle + Process

Draw-as-you-go type of doodle. Decided on color values and a theme and just ran with it. Came out nice. I couldn't resist placing a Wacom-stylus in there.
The Fadescape doodle. Click to enlarge.
[Update- 2015-10-14]
I recorded my screen while painting above picture. Now I've compiled the raw material into a YouTube clip. You can see that here below.

10-4 //Niklas

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Self Portrait

After using the same cartoony profile picture on social media now for ages I decided a new one was needed. I actually "cheated" here and used a photo for template when sketching down the ink. Then I went freestyle on color and shades. I think it has a cool end-of-last-millennium-adventure-game air to it.

Niklas Häggström - Self Portrait
Self portrait.
10-4 //Niklas

Saturday, October 3, 2015

Inktober #3 - Goblin

My entry for Inktober the third, a Goblin. Quick and dirty but sort of nice anyway.

Inktober #3 - Goblin

10-4 //Niklas

Inktober #2 - Devil

A bit late but here's number two for Inktober a.k.a. Drawlloween. Todays subject: "Devil". A bit late and a lot of a mess. Probably shouldn't share this because of the quality, but hey. It's something at least.

Inktober #2 - Devil

10-4 //Niklas